Monday, May 14, 2012


1803 - Cumberland Co., PA
1885 - Dallas Co., IA

Andrew was born in the area now called Trindle Springs, but spent only his first few years there.  His father moved the family to Paint Township in Ross County OH about 1807.  They followed the Dill family who had settled at Dill's Station on Paint Creek in 1800.

Life for Andrew was busy as he worked with the family to create a farm from the untamed land.  Nights and winters were devoted to learning, a family tradition even in these early days of the 19th century.....

The rest of their chores finally done, John and Andrew raced off buckets in hand.  They wove their way through the redbuds and buckeyes to the bubbling creek that meandered along the southern edge of the family farm.  Andrew is twelve and the year is 1815.  The closest young neighbors are nearly an hour’s hike away so John and Andrew the two oldest sons of Alexander and Sarah Crockett Trindle were most often found in each others company as dusk settled over the land.  John is nearly grown, seventeen this year and Andrew often wondered how much longer this big brother he so adored would have time for him. (1)  
Perhaps Andrew didn’t learn to love this land, or perhaps he had grown to love the wildness and wonder of new land, for he early in his twenties left home and traveled on to the next frontier, Indiana.

Andrew didn’t travel alone.  His brother John had settled into Tippecanoe County with his wife Mary Himes and on 3 August 1826 Andrew married her sister Nancy and together they journeyed to join their siblings.(2)

1838  Tippecanoe County Indiana - Andrew silently weeps as he stands beside the grave of his beloved wife Nancy, lost in childbirth with his seventh child.  John standing beside him turns his eyes toward the grave of his first wife Mary.  Sisters, daughters of Abraham and Elizabeth Himes,(3) the Trindle wives  left their young husbands with large families to raise.  

Both sisters are buried in Shumacher Cemetery, Wea township, Tippecanoe County, Indiana.  Nancy left behind four children, three others preceded her to the grave.

Andrew went on, marrying once again on 23 Oct 1839 (4).  His second wife Mary DeHart, born in Virginia in 1811, gave birth to eight children.  Of Andrew's fifteen children, eight survived to adulthood.

In 1860 Andrew decided to move on  He eventually settled on a farm in Jefferson Township, Madison County, Iowa.(5)  His son Aaron settled next door.  Andrew struggled to keep both farms going during the years Aaron was away at war.   Son John also settled on a farm near by and his younger sons were old enough to help with the farming.  Andrew remained in Madison county for the rest of his life.

In his 82 years of life, he lost a father to the hardships of the Revolutionary War, saw the ravages of the War of 1812 in which he lost an Uncle, and saw his sons and nephews debilitated by the rigors of the Civil War.  He died in 1885 and is buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Boonesville, Madison County, Iowa.(6)
(1) The description of the land comes from the deed to the land. (General Land Office OHIO 61651818/10/1383.0000)
(2) Casari, Robert, Marriage Records of Ross County Ohio 1798 - 1849 (: Closson Press, 1994) pg. 240
(3) The Parents of Nancy and Mary are named on their tombstones.
(4) Indiana Marriage Record - Tippecanoe, IN MR 2 1/2 (126) by Joseph Ashby MG
(5) Bureau of theCensus, RG 29 Micropubliation M593, Ninth Census of the United States 1870,Population schedule - Rol 407 page 41[written 7] Jefferson township --Winter, Madison, IA 18 Aug 1870 Thomas F Stile -- Andrew Trindle 66 MW Farmer 2500/19000 PA,, Mary 59 FW VA, Nancy 30 FW IN, Jacob 20 MW IN farm laborer, Abner 17 MW IN student, Olly 16 FW IN student,  Samuel Shultz 18 MW IN student
(6) Iowa. District Court (Madison County), Probate records, 1852-1978; indexes, 1850-1978, Will Records B, 89, #868 Estate of Andrew Trindle; FHL microfilm 1028192 Items 1-2; Tombstones, Union Chapel Cemetery, Jefferson Township, Madison, Iowa (); Brittian, Joseph and Lewis E Morris 1970/1977.Trindle, Andrew, d. 5-9-1885, 81 y 6 m 8 d, h/o Mary
See Documents page for links to Andrew's documents.